Fig. 2


Radial scaling of BR. All the data from Fig. 1 is re-plotted against radius on a symmetric log–log scale. Data with |BR | < 0.1 nT is plotted on a linear scale, which accounts for the block of data passing through zero near 1 AU. One-minute averages are plotted in faint magenta. One-hour modes are shown in orange. One-day modes are shown in black with different symbols differentiating the subsequent orbits. We note thatorbits 4 and 5 (crosses and triangles) extend to lower radii than orbits 1–3. A 2.5 nT (1 AU/R)2 trend line isplotted for positive (red) and negative (blue) polarities. A small data gap shows the narrow gap in radial coverage between PSP’s aphelia and STEREO A’s perihelia.

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