Fig. C.1
Demonstration of the effect of pre-averaging HMF vector data on 2D data distributions under Cartesian and spherical representations. Each panel shows a 2D histogram of data from STEREO A for the time interval considered in this work. From top to bottom, successively more aggressive pre-averaging is applied to the data set with panels showing one minute, one hour, and one day averages. The left hand panel shows the Cartesian components BRR2 versus BTR2, while theright hand column shows the spherical representation (clock angle versus magnitude). The histogram resolution is decreased with successive averages as the number of data points reduces. A black circle in the left hand column and vertical line in the right hand column shows a curve of |B|R2 = 3nT AU2 as a guide and point of comparison between the different averages and shows the averaging transformation is more magnitude preserving when applied to the polar representation as compared to the Cartesian representation.
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