Table 1

Observing time window of the observation samples used.

Orbit Date in Date out Rin [AU] Long/Lat [°] R out [AU] Long/Lat [°] Perihelion [AU]
1 2018/11/01 2018/11/10 0.238 72/-1.04 0.227 216/2.71 0.165
2 2019/03/26 2019/04/10 0.331 44/-2.40 0.247 225/2.36 0.165
4 2020/01/19 2020/02/03 0.353 35/-2.26 0.243 249/0.40 0.129
5 2020/05/28 2020/06/12 0.358 34/-2.29 0.244 250/0.39 0.129

Notes. The location of the PSP S/C at the beginning and end of the time windows is reported in the HAE system.

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