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Table 4

DIANA SED-fit parameters for the HD 100546 system used in the PRODIMO disk model.

Parameter Symbol Value
Stellar mass M* 2.5 M
Stellar luminosity L* 30.46 L
Effective temperature Teff 10 470 K
Interstellar extinction AV 0.22 mag

Dust composition:
Mg0.7Fe0.3SiO3 58.17%
Amorphous carbon 16.83%
Vacuum 25%
Dust size power law p 3.34

Disk inner zone
Mass Md 8.81 × 10−8 M
Inner radius Rin 0.55 AU
Outer radius Rout 4.00 AU
Col. density power index ϵ 0.35
Minimum dust size amin 0.042 μm
Maximum dust size amax 2.9 μm
PAH abundance fPAH 0.0028

Disk outer zone
Mass Md 7.15 × 10−3 M
Inner radius Rin 19.34 (22.3) AU
Outer radius Rout 600 AU
Tapering radius Rtap 100 AU
Col. density power index ϵ 1.12
Minimum dust size amin 0.042 μm
Maximum dust size amax 2983 μm
PAH abundance fPAH 0.0028 (0.0034)

Inclination i 42°
Dust to gas ratio dg 0.01

Notes. Parameters that were modified to improve the mid-IR fit are included in parenthesis.

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