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Table 2

Overview of the observations used in this paper. HD 100546 was observed as part of different programmes than the other observations, leading to the difference in filters and observation times.

Target Instrument Date Filter λ0 (μm) Δλ (μm) Integration time (s)
HD 100546 VISIR 28-04-2018 J8.9 8.70 0.74 3600
NEAR 11-12-2019 PAH1 8.58 0.41 540
ARIII 8.98 0.14 540
PAH2 11.24 0.54 540
12-12 2019 PAH2_2 11.68 0.37 540

HD 163296 NEAR 14-09-2019 PAH1 8.58 0.41 600
13-09-2019 NEAR 11.25 2.5 600

HD 169142 NEAR 13-09-2019 PAH1 8.58 0.41 600
NEAR 11.25 2.5 600

TW Hya NEAR 13-12-2019 PAH1 8.58 0.41 600
16-12-2019 NEAR 11.25 2.5 600

HD 100453 NEAR 12-12-2019 PAH1 8.58 0.41 600
NEAR 11.25 2.5 600

HD 36112/MWC 758 NEAR 18-12-2019 NEAR 11.25 2.5 600

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