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Fig. 7


Radial flux profile of the HD 100546 protoplanetary disk in the PAH1, ARIII, PAH2, PAH2_2, and J8.9 filters, with the real data profiles on the left and the synthetic data profiles on the right. The shaded areas indicate 1σ errors for the data and confidence intervals for the models. For the model profiles, these intervals come from the PSF convolution and the azimuthal averaging and deprojection. In both the data and the model, it can be seen that the radial extent at 1/10th the maximum flux is smaller for the shorter wavelength filters (PAH1, ARIII) than for the larger wavelength filters (PAH2, PAH2_2). This is expected as the PSF is larger for larger wavelengths. The J8.9 data, both real and synthetic, remain far more extended due to the smeared PSF.

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