Fig. 10
5σ flux limits of potential companions to three targets compared to the CPD model described in Table 5 inserted in the circumstellar disk. Left: limits for the different observations of HD 100546 in PAH1 (blue), ARIII (orange), PAH2 (green), PAH2_2 (red), and J8.9 (purple) filters. The black line indicates the estimated flux as a function of radial separation for our fiducial CPD model as described in Col. 2 of Table 5. Only one line is included as the model values are similar across the different filters. The increase at 7′′ in the J8.9 filter and at 4′′ in the other filter are the results of chopping and nodding shadows. Middle: limits for the observations of HD 163296 in the PAH1 (blue) and NEAR (pink) filters, along with the expected flux of the same CPD in the HD 163296 disk. Right: the same as the middle figure, but for HD 169142.
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