Table 1

Overview of the deep field pointings used to synthesize the images on the Boötes and Lockman Hole extragalactic fields.

Project ID LOFAR Obs. ID Obs. Date Start time Integration νmin νmax fflag nMS
UTC time [h] [MHz] [MHz]
LC2_038 L236786 21/07/2014 10:44:00 8.0 120.0 168.7 37.8 25
LC2_038 L243561 15/09/2014 10:22:42 8.0 120.0 168.7 19.2 25
LC4_034 L346004 11/06/2015 16:04:35 8.0 120.2 167.0 10.9 24
LC4_034 L373377 17/09/2015 10:21:18 8.0 120.2 168.9 20.1 25
LC4_034 L374583 24/09/2015 10:09:57 8.0 120.2 168.9 10.6 25
LC4_034 L387597 29/09/2015 09:13:00 8.0 120.2 168.9 27.4 25
LC4_034 L387569 01/10/2015 09:00:00 8.0 120.2 168.9 32.3 25
LC4_034 L400135 10/10/2015 08:46:22 8.0 120.2 168.9 13.6 25
LC4_034 L401825 21/10/2015 08:00:30 8.0 120.2 168.9 9.0 25
LC4_034 L401839 22/10/2015 07:55:23 8.0 120.2 168.9 8.0 25

Lockman Hole
LC3_008 L274099 08/03/2015 20:11:00 8.7 120.2 168.9 12.4 25
LC3_008 L281008 14/03/2015 18:26:39 8.7 120.4 169.1 8.1 25
LC3_008 L294287 21/03/2015 19:11:00 8.7 120.2 168.9 18.7 25
LC3_008 L299961 24/03/2015 17:47:20 8.7 120.2 168.9 12.1 25
LC3_008 L340794 25/04/2015 17:08:00 8.7 120.2 168.9 14.5 25
LC3_008 L342938 08/05/2015 14:50:24 8.7 120.2 168.9 16.6 25
LT10_012 L659554 10/07/2018 11:11:00 8.0 120.2 168.9 9.9 25
LT10_012 L659948 12/07/2018 11:08:10 8.0 120.2 168.9 11.9 25
LT10_012 L664320 15/08/2018 08:49:00 8.0 120.2 168.9 11.0 25
LT10_012 L664480 19/08/2018 08:38:46 8.0 120.2 168.9 11.3 25
LT10_012 L667204 12/09/2018 07:06:09 8.0 120.2 168.9 11.2 25
LT10_012 L667218 13/09/2018 07:05:12 8.0 120.2 168.9 10.3 25

Notes. Columns fflag and nMS show the fraction of flagged data and the number of measurement sets present in the archives.

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