Open Access

Fig. 3.


Leading-order perturbations on the frequencies of dipolar (l = 1, top panels) and quadripolar (l = 2, bottom panels) mixed modes in the studied 1.5 M red giant star. Left panels: magnetic angular frequency splitting δωmag (for B0 = 1MG) of the m ∈ [ − l, l] modes. Middle panels: angular frequency splitting δωrot for a plausible two-layer differential rotation (with Ωcore = 0.5 μHz and Ωenv = Ωcore/10) of the same mixed modes is represented. Right panels: combination of magnetic and rotational splittings of mixed-mode angular frequencies δωtot = δωmag + δωrot. The vertical orange line indicates in each panel the expected frequency of maximum power of the modes νmax. The ζ function is represented in each case by the grey dashed line.

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