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Table 2

Observed parameters from Josselin & Plez (2007) with the addition of Antares as observed by Ohnaka et al. (2013, 2017), including vturb as required by theory to recover the mass-loss rate keeping all other parameters fixed.

Number Name Mass Teff Radius gas (a)
(M) (K) (R) (10−7 M yr−1) (km s−1)
1 α Ori 15 3780 589 5.0 19 17
2 V466 Cas 12 3780 331 0.5 12 19
3 AD Per 12 3720 457 2.0 21 17
4 FZ Per 12 3920 324 1.75 16 20
5 BD+243902 15 4240 427 7.25 23 21
6 BI Cyg 20 3720 851 10.25 23 16
7 BC Cyg 20 3570 1230 8.0 22 13
8 RW Cyg 20 3920 676 8.25 20 19
9 SW Cep 9 3570 234 11.5 24 23
10 μ Cep 25 3750 1259 3.75 23 14
11 ST Cep 9 4200 174 6.25 23 26
12 TZ Cas 15 3670 646 9.5 17 17
13 Antares 12.7(1) 3660(1) 680(1) 20.0(2) 20(3) 15

Notes. (a) A constant gas to dust mass ratio 250 has beenassumed to convert dust as compiled by Josselin & Plez (2007) to gas.

References.(1)Ohnaka et al. (2013), (2)Braun et al. (2012), (3)Ohnaka et al. (2017).

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