Fig. 1.
ALMA observations drawn at (− 3, −2, −1, 1, 2, 3) × σ overlaid on the HST F160W image of z7_GSD_3811. The positive and negative contours are drawn with solid and dashed lines, respectively. The white hatched ellipse in the bottom of each frame shows the synthesized beam of ALMA. Top left: [O III] line contours for an image collapsed over 400 km s−1 around 391.63 GHz, where σ = 44 mJy km s−1 beam−1. Top right: [C II] line contours for an image collapsed over 400 km s−1 around 219.37 GHz, where σ = 19 mJy km s−1 beam−1. Bottom left: dust continuum contours at 87 μm, where σ = 26 μJy beam−1. Bottom right: dust continuum contours at 152 μm, where σ = 9.9 μJy beam−1.
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