Open Access

Fig. 4


Time over semimajor-axis evolution of the N-body simulation in LIPAD. The time and location at which an object has first reached lunar mass is indicated by the black dots in the plot. The subsequent growth of the embryo is tracked and connected with the grey lines, and its mass is given by the colorbar. The mass in planetesimals after 1 Myr is given by 27 M in these runs, the planetesimal surface density slope is varied (ΣPr−1.0, ΣPr−1.5, and ΣPr−2.0). Left panels: system without pebble accretion. Right panels: system in which pebble accretion is included. The red line indicates the time after which the analytic model presented in Voelkel et al. (2021) states that embryo formation is possible.

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