Open Access

Table 8

GASTON results for the 29 companions in the detection sample divided into the two different situations mentioned in the text.

Planet name Period m sin i a sin i ɛ aphot Ic Mc,true ΔV MCMC

(days) (MJ) (mas) (mas) (mas) (mas) (°) (MJ) Acceptance

1σ 3σ 1σ 3σ 1σ 3σ 1σ 3σ rate
First situation: Strong constraint on inclination and mass
Primary dataset:
30 Ari B b 335.1 9.878 0.1728 1.777 (1.347, 5.948) (1.643, 7.584) (78.92, 412.5) (6.888, 16.46) 0.2321
HD 114762 b 83.92 11.64 0.1161 1.088 (0.4206, 2.597) (2.517, 15.76) (41.93, 323.9) (5.704, 22.37) 0.1758
HD 141937 b 653.2 9.475 0.3955 0.9337 (0.3798, 2.047) (11.01, 88.85) (9.061, 50.94) (22.82, 29.59) 0.1340
HD 148427 b 331.5 1.144 0.01182 1.092 (0.4964, 2.936) (0.2314, 1.413) (47.74, 336.0) (8.368, 24.50) 0.1866
HD 5388 b 777.0 1.965 0.05154 1.365 (1.519, 3.923) (0.7610, 2.050) (60.02, 163.3) (10.81, 23.13) 0.2394
HD 6718 b 2496 1.559 0.1087 1.121 (1.982, 9.951) (0.6181, 3.688) (27.74, 159.7) (9.348, 24.13) 0.2073
HD 96127 b (†) 647.3 4.007 0.01116 1.124 (0.0009983, 2.231) (0.4084, 89.54) (3.359, 679.2) (2.526, 26.81) 0.05775
HIP 65891 b 1084 6.001 0.04197 1.146 (1.103, 4.026) (0.5929, 2.161) (168.4, 713.7) (7.196, 13.52) 0.2000
Secondary dataset
HD 16760 b 465.1 13.29 0.2531 2.990 (2.758, 7.364) (1.796, 5.549) (151.8, 580.9) (2.517, 8.215) 0.2521

Second situation: lower and upper limits on inclination and mass
Primary dataset:
HAT-P-21 b 4.124 4.073 0.0007560 0.9171 <0.0014260 <0.01209 >32.88 >4.067 <7.542 <57.72 >14.79 >13.58 0.009911
HD 132563 B b 1544 1.492 0.03442 0.8536 <0.07070 <2.621 >29.25 >0.8231 <3.050 <111.1 >25.10 >11.03 0.01422
HD 154857 b 408.6 2.248 0.02508 0.9309 <0.05492 <1.499 >27.03 >1.014 <4.918 <134.9 >24.71 >13.10 0.009493
HD 154857 c 3452 2.579 0.1193 0.9309 <0.2729 <8.817 >25.98 >0.9194 <5.905 <175.3 >27.78 >10.97 0.009493
HD 164595 b 40.00 0.05078 0.0003920 0.9341 <0.0008560 <0.1093 >27.67 >0.2476 <0.11103 <12.86 >24.46 >22.70 0.01065
HD 177830 b 410.1 1.320 0.01953 0.8723 <0.04035 <1.278 >28.82 >1.019 <2.738 <78.92 >24.47 >13.43 0.01443
HD 185269 b 6.838 0.9542 0.001040 0.9694 <0.002002 <0.01755 >31.18 >4.624 <1.820 <12.34 >19.00 >18.87 0.005830
HD 190228 b 1136 5.942 0.1278 0.8628 <0.5136 <2.375 >14.25 >3.188 <24.418 <111.4 >27.35 >14.34 0.02329
HD 197037 b 1036 0.8073 0.04322 0.9947 <0.12112 <3.087 >21.09 >0.8682 <2.2696 <55.87 >27.13 >22.28 0.008977
HD 4203 b 431.9 2.082 0.02595 0.8539 <0.05646 <1.390 >27.46 >1.116 <4.533 <110.2 >24.02 >11.82 0.02863
HD 7449 b 1275 1.313 0.07578 0.9430 <0.16248 <6.525 >30.30 >0.8955 <2.845 <104.2 >27.17 >11.48 0.01279
HD 95127 b (†) 482.0 5.036 0.006734 1.220 <0.017628 <0.3977 >26.57 >2.027 <11.863 <170.2 >23.04 >6.939 0.001910
K2-34 b (†) 2.996 1.683 0.0001870 0.9982 <0.0004070 <0.002572 >28.51 >3.946 <3.525 <23.91 >13.63 >12.40 0.002133
WASP-11 b 3.722 0.5398 0.0002100 1.064 <0.0004260 <0.004463 >29.21 >3.117 <1.1059 <9.719 >15.62 >15.27 0.003389
WASP-131 b 5.322 0.2724 0.00006800 0.9476 <0.00014300 <0.001557 >28.30 >4.120 <0.5756 <3.710 >15.31 >14.62 0.01006
WASP-157 b 3.952 0.5592 0.00008400 0.8699 <0.0001670 <0.001673 >30.85 >3.765 <1.1127 <8.444 >14.31 >13.06 0.01517
WASP-17 b 3.735 0.5077 0.00005200 0.8509 <0.00010000 <0.0007792 >32.14 >5.985 <0.9619 <4.768 >13.48 >12.70 0.006831
Secondary dataset:
K2-110 b (†) 13.86 0.05293 0.00006000 1.278 <0.00069800 <0.01073 >4.96 >0.3551 <0.62324 <6.732 >18.03 >17.49 0.0007182

Notes. (†) After 1 000 000 iterations MCMC did not reach convergence, with a final maximum autocorrelation length larger than Nstep ∕50.

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