Open Access

Table 4

Distribution of astrometric excess noise with respect to primary, secondary, and HIPPARCOS datasets in the Gaia DR1 database, and varying selection criteria as explained in the text.

Reference of data DR1 dataset Subset Nstar Astrometric excess noise

10th-percentile Median 90th-percentile
(mas) (mas) (mas)
Lindegren et al. (2016) Primary 2 057 050 0.299 0.478 0.855
(1 142 719 769 stars) Secondary 1 140 662 719 0.000 0.594 2.375
HIPPARCOS 93 635 0.347 0.572 1.185

This paper sample (Table 3) Primary 385 0.291 0.451 0.751
(524 stars) All transiting planets 133 0.271 0.399 0.704
>1 non-transiting planet 252 0.304 0.466 0.786
With RV drift 46 0.296 0.431 0.633
No RV drift 339 0.291 0.453 0.761
Secondary 139 0.316 0.423 0.776
All transiting planets 113 0.336 0.438 0.791
>1 non-transiting planet 26 0.283 0.360 0.701
With RV drift 7 0.297 0.334 0.511
No RV drift 132 0.318 0.425 0.794
HIPPARCOS 246 0.307 0.466 0.784
Including G < 6.4 & br > 1.8 297 0.324 0.513 1.048

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