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Table A.4

Transit timings and depths obtained from global analyses of each transit with ddf variations allowed for 3.6 μm channel.

Epoch Transit timing + 1-σ error Transit depth
[BJDTDB − 2 450 000] + 1-σ error (%)

322 7809.01833 0.00022 0.730 0.025
326 7815.06277 0.00020 0.729 0.026
327 7816.57334 0.00012 0.658 0.021
329 7819.59475 0.00015 0.704 0.025
330 7821.10556 0.00016 0.719 0.026
333 7825.63814 0.00012 0.729 0.027
334 7827.14996 0.00014 0.723 0.027
335 7828.66039 0.00019 0.743 0.022
338 7833.19283 0.00021 0.657 0.026
339 7834.70397 0.00016 0.699 0.019
341 7837.72530 0.00018 0.735 0.032
342 7839.23688 0.00020 0.784 0.027
455 8009.96628 0.00023 0.724 0.023
456 8011.47739 0.00021 0.698 0.029
457 8012.98803 0.00013 0.706 0.023
458 8014.49878 0.00017 0.692 0.03
459 8016.01031 0.00014 0.761 0.024
460 8017.52126 0.00020 0.711 0.027
462 8020.54236 0.00014 0.739 0.022
465 8025.07537 0.00020 0.705 0.027
467 8028.09740 0.00023 0.679 0.027
468 8029.60819 0.00016 0.702 0.027
472 8035.65151 0.00025 0.759 0.039
473 8037.16249 0.00028 0.709 0.027
475 8040.18409 0.00018 0.740 0.027
476 8041.6951 00.00013 0.715 0.022
477 8043.20589 0.00016 0.762 0.027
478 8044.71646 0.00024 0.754 0.04
479 8046.22749 0.00013 0.735 0.021


302 8014.19266 0.00021 0.734 0.024
306 8023.87966 0.00020 0.701 0.029
312 8038.41062 0.00024 0.707 0.034
314 8043.25404 0.00021 0.737 0.025
315 8045.67667 0.00037 0.762 0.049
375 8190.98265 0.00021 0.674 0.021
381 8205.51292 0.00023 0.731 0.027


85 8014.37913 0.00040 0.333 0.0190
87 8022.48019 0.00031 0.362 0.0200
90 8034.62830 0.00031 0.323 0.0230
92 8042.72672 0.00033 0.353 0.0180


58 8014.13087 0.00024 0.513 0.022
59 8020.23322 0.00024 0.463 0.016
62 8038.53515 0.00032 0.513 0.020
86 8184.94890 0.00032 0.439 0.025
87 8191.04817 0.00052 0.507 0.026


57 8196.12562 0.00025 0.636 0.019
58 8205.32761 0.00029 0.665 0.030


28 8011.24018 0.00034 0.710 0.033


19 8019.16846 0.00064 0.312 0.021

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