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Table A.3

Transit timings and depths obtained from individual analyses of each blended or partial transit.

Epoch Transit timing + 1-σ error Transit depth Channel
[BJDTDB − 2 450 000] +1-σ error (%)

226 7663.97530 0.00120 0.642 8.300 c2
227 7665.48546 0.00030 0.761 0.036 c2
231 7671.52791 0.00068 0.696 0.046 c2
336 7830.17083 0.00020 0.729 0.035 c2
340 7836.21439 0.00018 0.703 0.026 c2
461 8019.03167 0.00027 0.662 0.067 c1
464 8023.56458 0.00015 0.847 0.028 c1
469 8031.11892 0.00012 0.796 1.100 c1
474 8038.67292 0.00017 0.752 0.033 c1
566 8177.67496 0.00027 0.707 0.027 c2


71 7454.75685 0.00058 0.680 0.030 c2
156 7660.611680 0.00051 0.698 0.036 c2
158 7665.45539 0.00032 0.662 0.037 c2
226 7830.13725 0.00024 0.733 0.034 c2
304 8019.03635 0.00027 0.744 0.063 c1
309 8031.14517 0.00015 0.755 0.024 c1
311 8035.98910 0.00017 0.688 0.023 c1
370 8178.87407 0.00015 0.729 0.020 c1


41 7836.19171 0.00041 0.344 0.023 c2
91 8038.67921 0.00033 0.330 0.030 c1
130 8196.60651 0.00065 0.413 0.030 c2


85 8178.84731 0.00019 0.536 0.017 c1


−2 7652.98592 0.00035 0.743 0.050 c2
0 7671.39268 0.00041 0.621 0.043 c2
55 8177.71567 0.00026 0.647 0.026 c2


−1 7652.99505 0.00037 0.734132 0.051 c2
29 8023.59087 0.00023 0.778 0.021 c1
30 8035.94551 0.00025 0.729 0.020 c1
43 8196.57292 0.00031 0.750 0.026 c2

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