Open Access

Table 2.

Available data columns of our DaoPHOT photometric catalog for the VVV survey

Column name Description Unit
RAJ2000 Right ascension (J2000) deg
DEJ2000 Declination (J2000) deg
(J/H/Ks)_mag_VISTA Photometric magnitude in VISTA system mag
(J/H/Ks)_mag_2MASS Photometric magnitude in 2MASS system mag
(J/H/Ks)_err Photometric error mag
(J/H/Ks)_niter Number of PSF-fitting iterations count
(J/H/Ks)_sharpness Roundness of object
(J/H/Ks)_chi Goodness of PSF fit
(J/H/Ks)(J/H/Ks)_flag Nine spurious detection flags 0 or 1

Notes. The full catalog is available at the CDS.

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