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Table 1.

Spectra used for the analysis.

Star Instrument Spectrum Domain [Å] JD−2 400 000
HD 49798 UVES@UT2 UVES.2016-10-02T09:03:11.546 3732–5000 57663.87826
HST/GHRS z0x60606t 1248–1270 48733.94266
z0x60607t 1300–1335 48733.94516
z0x60608t 1602–1637 48733.94818
z0x60609t 1650–1684 48733.95195
z0x6060at 1800–1834 48733.95564
z0x6060ct 1840–1874 48733.97662

BD+18° 2647 UVES@UT2 UVES.2016-07-29T23:44:26.000 3732–5000 57599.49729
IUE/SWP 20488 1150–1975 45536.48785
FUSE m1080701000 900–1190 51664.15527

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