Table 2.
MAMPOSSt runs.
Notes. All runs are for the sigv stack with the concentration-mass relation of Eq. (20). The runs are listed in decreasing maximum likelihood (really posterior), i.e., increasing − ln ℒMLE. The columns are as follows. (1): run number; (2): cluster mass model (i.e., “E” for Einasto, “H” for Hernquist); (3): brightest cluster galaxy mass model (“PS4” for n = 4 Prugniel & Simien 1997, which is a good approximation of the deprojection of a Sersic 1968 model); (4): velocity anisotropy model (“iso” for isotropic, “T” for generalized Tiret et al. and “gOM” for generalized Osipkov-Merritt); (5−7): inner velocity anisotropy for E, S0, and S galaxies (“F” = free, 0 = isotropic); (8−10): outer velocity anisotropy (β) for E, S0, and S galaxies (“F” = free, 0 = isotropic); (11): velocity anisotropy radius tied to tracer scale radius (“Y” = yes, “N” = no); (12): MCMC convergence criterion (R−1 < 0.02 is considered as properly converged, worse convergence runs are shown in red italics); (13): minus log (maximum likelihood estimate, which really is a maximum posterior); (14): number of free parameters; (15): corrected Akaike Information Criterion; (16): Bayes Information Criterion. The best values for −lnℒMLE, AIC, and BIC are highlighted in bold, while blue italics and green italics respectively highlight the best NFW and gNFW models that do not have an extra BCG component.
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