Fig. 5.
Radial mass density profiles for model 21 (gNFW with isotropic orbits for the ellipticals and S0s, and T0 velocity anisotropy for spirals, top) and model 3 (NFW cluster + NFW BCG, with T velocity anisotropy, bottom) for sigv-stacked pseudo-cluster. In both models, the anisotropy radius is tied to the scale radius of the galaxy distribution. The shaded regions show the MAMPOSSt constraints for the cluster (light and dark gray) and the BCG (light and dark purple), where the light and dark zones respectively delimit 90% and 68% confidence intervals. The curves are the predictions from various analytical models, normalized to have the mass scale radii and the same density at the scale radius, in order to guide the eye. The scale of the bottom panel is different, and the curves to the left of the vertical line denoting the minimum considered projected radius, are extrapolations.
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