Fig. 3
Adaptively smoothed exposure-corrected combined EPIC image of G5.9+3.1. The image depicts emission detected over the energy range 0.4–1.0 keV and the pixel range of the emission is 3–7.87 counts per second per square degree. The dashed green ellipse is centered on RA (J2000.0) 17h 47m15.0s, Dec (J2000.0) − 22°16′38.5′′ and has major and minor axes of 449.5′′ and 463.4′′, respectively. This ellipse corresponds to the region of extraction of the source spectrum for the whole SNR (see Sect. 5 and Table 2). We note the clear rim-brightened structure seen toward the eastern and southwestern rims of G5.9+3.1. Fainter emission is seen toward the northern rim and interior of the SNR. Emission from discrete sources has been flagged and excised in the creation of this image: voids of emission seen in this image correspond to artifacts from these excisions.
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