Open Access

Table 1

Summary of observations.

Telescope Nobs Gregorian MJD Observation Length Bandwidth Location
identifier date range range range median (MHz)
DE601 17 24/05/2013–08/01/2014 56436–56665 7–60 min 28 min 47.7, 95.3 Effelsberg
DE601 2a 19/05/2015–20/05/2015 57161–57162 9 h, 8 h 95.3 Effelsberg
DE603 10 12/02/2014–03/05/2014 56700–56780 7–13 min 13 min 95.3 Tautenburg
DE605 119 07/03/2014–25/11/2016 56723–57717 2–146 min 115 min 95.3, 71.5 Jülich

Notes. Given are the telescope identifier; the number of observations Nobs; the time span of the observations; the range of observation lengths and the median observation length; the bandwidth of the observations (which changed for DE601 and DE605 as discussed in Sect. 2) and the geographical location of the stations. (a) These observationswere omitted from the analysis, and are used as reference template instead.

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