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Table A.2.

First ten of the 46 PHS clusters.

Cluster RA Dec log (age) (m − M)0 AV AGTO [Fe/H]
Alessi5 160.819 −61.081 −0.382
Alessi6 220.058 −66.127 −0.154
Alessi24 260.764 −62.693 −0.133
BH99 159.553 −59.168 0.000
Collinder140 110.882 −31.966 0.010
Czernik27 105.830 +6.382 −0.380
Harvard5 186.817 −60.770 −0.090
IC1369 318.033 +47.770 0.090
IC2488 141.857 −57.004 0.080
IC4725 277.937 −19.114 0.000

Notes. Columns are the same as in Table A.1 (the complete list is available at the CDS).

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