Gaia Data Release 2
Free Access

Table A.7

Cepheid cross-match.

Gaia DR2 source_id DR2 RA DR2 Dec G DR2 class KIC/EPIC Campaign ID
(deg) (deg) (mag)
2078709577944648192 297.0644335 43.1269176 8.916 CEP 7548061 Kepler V1154 Cyg
2101097215232231808 290.4127674 39.9355875 10.396 T2CEP 4831185 Kepler HP Lyr

3378049163365268608 100.7812965 20.9391061 9.676 CEP 202064438 0 AD Gem
3423693395726613504 90.6524429 22.2341468 9.549 CEP 202064436 0 RZ Gem
3425495186047291136 92.5806547 24.0208511 10.485 CEP 202064435 0 V371 Gem
3425576270732293632 93.9995283 23.7474871 11.668 T2CEP 202064439 0 BW Gem
6249649277967449216 242.8120587 –16.8611619 12.444 T2CEP 205546706 2 KT Sco
47299585774090112 65.0074841 17.2793921 17.040 T2CEP 210622262 4
4085507620804499328 286.6122728 –19.6098184 12.820 T2CEP 217987553 7 V1077 Sgr
4085983537561699584 282.0408160 –20.1265928 13.173 T2CEP 217693968 7 V377 Sgr
4087335043492541696 286.5130651 –18.4282476 12.323 T2CEP 218642654 7 V410 Sgr
6869460685678439040 293.6444501 –19.3611183 12.956 ACEP 218128117 7 ASAS J193435-1921.7
4052361842043219328 274.9408203 –27.1592265 12.806 T2CEP 222668291 9 V1185 Sgr
4066429066901946368 273.2604032 –23.1172942 6.835 CEP 225102663 9 12 Sgr
4093976334264606976 273.8594387 –20.6295526 10.131 CEP 226412831 9 V1954 Sgr
4096140001386430080 275.8297937 –18.5747736 9.909 CEP 227267697 9 AY Sgr
4096341040228858240 275.2730788 –18.4554741 9.832 CEP 227315843 9 V5567 Sgr
4096979650282842112 276.1854194 –16.7971738 8.315 CEP 227916945 9 XX Sgr
4118144527610250880 264.9723348 –20.9930069 14.470 T2CEP 226238697 9 BLG-T2CEP-27
4111834567779557376 256.5229101 –26.5805651 6.835 CEP 232257232 11 BF Oph
3409635486731094400 69.3115536 18.5430127 6.267 CEP 247086981 13 SZ Tau
3415206707852656384 76.3094130 21.7635904 12.300 T2CEP 247445057 13 VZ Tau

3423579012158717184 92.1462986 22.6172200 8.377 CEP 202062191 0 SS Gem (T2CEP?)
4111218875639075712 260.2294555 -23.4355371 13.657 T2CEP 235265305 11
4111880369315900032 255.2860252 -26.5951004 11.628 T2CEP 232254012 11 ET Oph
4112437031430794880 257.1786569 -25.1637301 12.962 T2CEP 231047453 11 IO Oph
2638680812622984960 348.8605810 -1.3746326 17.749 ACEP 246385425 12

Notes. The three sections represent the Kepler field (top panel), clear identifications in the K2 fields (middle panel), and uncertain identifications (bottom panel).

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