Gaia Data Release 2
Free Access

Table A.6

Cross-match of RRd-type stars in the K2 observations.

Gaia DR2 source_id DR2 RA DR2 Dec G DR2 Class EPIC K2 C Kp P0 P1
(deg) (deg) (mag) (mag) (d) (d)
3796490612783265152 176.8340702 1.8239436 15.839 RRC 201585823 1 15.774 0.48260 0.35942
6248239227324924416 239.1581229 –18.8471338 14.745 RRAB 205209951 2 14.757 0.47077 0.34877
51156844364167552 58.0512607 20.3530932 15.504 RRC 210831816 4 15.541 0.48878 0.36380
612194609624700928 135.5928672 18.5610970 18.786 RRC 211888680 5 19.185 0.48300 0.35938
3610631916003219328 204.2092377 –11.7283006 15.674 RRD 212547473 6 15.619 0.54507 0.40643
3620942277055055488 197.4515385 –13.8228783 16.517 RRC 212449019 6 16.617 0.48777 0.36339
4071397068375975296 282.0255672 –29.2124249 18.162 RRC 229228184 7 18.793 0.45927 0.34111
4071405658308934144 282.1318806 –29.0042516 18.076 RRAB 229228194 7 19.183 0.52268 0.38971
4071509081124919040 281.9373883 –28.3133952 18.531 RRC 229228175 7 18.858 0.47000 0.34945
4072051140361909632 282.7750015 –27.2508593 15.832 RRC 214147122 7 15.902 0.54103 0.40366
6761560112114793216 282.6946631 –29.1564157 16.901 RRAB 213514736 7 17.208 0.50359 0.37522
2576293393286532224 16.9326178 5.9752228 18.050 RRC 229228811 8 18.651 0.50021 0.37291
2580012972403894528 19.7918896 9.8452558 17.320 RRAB 220636134 8 17.390 0.50138 0.37374
3682596906250805632 192.1245496 –2.3467725 18.053 RRD 228952519 10 18.500 0.55142 0.40453
3698207256945765760 185.5512423 0.0526262 20.317 RRAB 248369176 10 20.952 0.56839 0.42407
3699831549153899648 185.4119454 0.8164297 17.024 RRD 201519136 10 17.019 0.46348 0.34432
2413839863087928064 349.3069278 –10.1488848 16.844 RRD 245974758 12 17.281 0.47527 0.35331
2438582821787698176 351.4208931 -8.0499976 17.044 RRD 246058914 12 17.105 0.45295 0.33611

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