Gaia Data Release 2
Free Access

Table A.5

Cross-match of RRc-type stars in the K2 observations.

Gaia DR2 source_id DR2 RA DR2 Dec G DR2 Class EPIC K2 C Kp P
(deg) (deg) (mag) (mag) (d)
3786001409293244800 173.4343361 –5.1026035 15.862 RRC 201158092 1 16.061 0.31014
3896812458883270400 175.4991113 3.9916983 15.412 RRC 201720727 1 15.477 0.30975
66183697982876416 60.1350351 24.4304789 16.015 RRC 211091644 4 16.041 0.29042
607162729019029888 135.5588208 14.1677961 16.358 RRC 211573254 5 16.495 0.31959
609116694325015680 130.7046858 13.3769410 16.293 RRC 211516905 5 16.275 0.34025
612376063402765312 135.0281818 18.6079110 15.357 RRC 211891936 5 15.386 0.34697
657965796923993216 129.2065123 15.9333259 16.456 RRC 211701322 5 16.311 0.33911
658334137615243648 131.1006087 17.2093019 19.544 RRC 211792469 5 19.968 0.30588
659746632100473984 129.2783707 18.9322997 15.905 RRC 211913888 5 15.942 0.2977
665174886647140736 130.4816877 22.0112793 15.745 RRC 212099502 5 15.767 0.32141

Notes. The full table is available at the CDS.

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