Gaia Data Release 2
Free Access

Table A.3

Stars with uncertain but likely classifications from the original Kepler observations.

Gaia DR2 source_id DR2 RA DR2 Dec G DR2 class KIC Kp Data type Kepler class
(deg) (deg) (mag) (mag)
2052863426827875456 290.6708966 38.8452285 17.444 RRAB 3744225 17.710 FFI RRab?
2073860422436544000 297.4519701 40.9893283 14.835 RRAB 5727406 14.972 FFI RRab?
2099377506028502400 288.2585772 38.4944088 19.527 RRAB 3331090 19.427 FFI RRab?
2128491611857019776 292.9388450 47.8195878 18.659 RRAB 10602685 18.171 FFI RRab?
2126654744543334784 291.5287676 45.1965107 16.213 RRAB 8884795 16.261 FFI RRc?
2077964177781795200 295.0209805 42.9274675 17.784 RRC 7373841 17.267 FFI RRc?
2078178681323184768 294.4612324 43.3732497 19.252 RRC 7690615 19.224 FFI RRc?
2080190551386659456 296.2246715 45.7374787 17.731 RRC 9292598 17.933 FFI RRc?
2080284112954652544 297.5274861 46.4933085 17.164 RRC 9725750 17.141 FFI RRc?
2086553047221169408 298.1033115 48.5651069 16.978 RRC 11045097 16.933 FFI RRc?
2104482469792786688 283.3977429 41.7620072 18.390 RRC 6343434 18.275 FFI RRc?
2105141974910639232 283.2231541 43.9378973 14.954 RRC 8078670 15.143 FFI RRc?
2130857971336396032 287.5319452 47.2799976 17.003 RRC 10198186 17.157 FFI RRc?
2132959408636529792 287.6619814 50.4778068 19.039 RRC 12006372 18.943 FFI RRc?
2052170249169053568 294.1764164 38.5791661 19.825 RRAB 3454674 18.810 FFI RRc/EB?
2085218132725526528 300.3009309 45.8995148 19.121 RRAB 9368129 18.842 FFI RRc/EB?
2100223412723866880 284.7592318 39.2885991 18.378 RRC 4136159 18.187 FFI RRc/EB?
2133079873879600384 289.9087494 50.5891289 17.925 RRC 12059064 17.620 FFI RRc/EB?

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