Gaia Data Release 2
Free Access

Table A.2

Cross-match of RRc-type stars in the original Kepler observations.

Gaia DR2 source_id DR2 RA DR2 Dec G DR2 class KIC Kp Data type
(deg) (deg) (mag) (mag)
2053453246098423424 291.2093828 40.2449799 14.652 RRC 5097329 14.896 FFI
2073611761018174208 298.7963502 40.6390445 17.183 RRC 5476906 17.125 FFI
2076328310640589312 296.0172668 39.9738297 17.391 RRC 4852066 17.393 FFI
2076789487048365952 296.9555846 41.1889926 17.642 RRC 5895400 17.796 FFI
2079302622726841728 298.4694906 45.0157871 16.093 RRC 8839123 16.229 FFI
2080332143568818304 296.6246981 46.5426500 17.569 RRC 9783052 17.730 FFI
2080566717498680448 296.7116973 47.2295668 16.997 RRC 10221234 17.050 FFI
2086448009499589376 298.3179484 47.7771822 15.909 RRC 10553801 15.700 FFI
2086583008909904896 296.9578235 47.5964425 17.165 RRC 10418799 17.125 FFI
2100304359969626624 285.1271038 39.4015144 17.685 RRC 4345865 17.716 FFI
2100508422455676288 287.5221537 39.5553736 18.080 RRC 4451334 18.263 FFI
2102965800881905792 288.3245722 43.5415773 15.384 RRC 7812805 15.546 FFI
2102980060173158144 287.9872854 43.3258509 15.749 RRC 7672313 15.864 FFI
2103421170493346816 284.5119233 40.3957360 16.541 RRC 5166889 16.784 FFI
2104875824376341888 283.7965235 42.0339167 16.012 RRC 6584320 16.053 FFI
2105082292044513536 283.5884772 43.0995012 15.724 RRC 7422845 15.867 FFI
2105292058247822976 281.8111161 44.1887140 17.201 RRC 8211945 17.258 FFI
2105292195685604608 283.0499329 43.4426085 17.006 RRC 7733600 17.038 FFI
2105850953752583680 284.8012931 43.9498940 16.619 RRC 8081725 16.927 FFI
2106317524639255680 286.2291335 44.7836872 16.065 RRC 8612183 16.198 FFI
2106527496999999488 285.9604747 46.0288732 13.296 RRC 9453114 13.419 target
2106890954312188288 283.3226482 45.0401760 15.321 RRC 8801073 15.56 FFI
2106998156695528448 283.3651904 45.5335706 14.838 RRC 9137819 14.991 target
2116749617944811264 280.8543785 42.5792557 18.126 RRC 7006857 17.999 FFI
2126843276427186432 290.0433736 43.7155517 14.864 RRC 7954849 14.862 FFI
2132728824731016192 288.8330915 50.2067867 16.846 RRC 11909124 16.706 FFI
2133142859577849856 289.2404017 50.8121588 16.904 RRC 12204812 17.119 FFI

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