Gaia Data Release 2
Free Access

Table A.1

Cross-match of RRab-type stars in the original Kepler observations.

Gaia DR2 source_id DR2 RA DR2 Dec G DR2 class KIC Kp Data type
(deg) (deg) (mag) (mag)
2051319231466329600 290.0443778 38.2875548 15.852 RRAB 3111002 15.989 FFI
2051756764073824512 291.5422064 37.2395927 18.121 RRAB 1721534 16.913 FFI
2051849058633285632 292.8211913 37.6989397 16.471 RRAB 2309247 16.387 FFI
2051927669415635072 292.6072021 38.2211264 16.179 RRAB 3121676 15.959 FFI
2051930903531763072 292.5824442 38.2520216 16.165 RRAB 3121566 16.400 FFI
2052112730962078080 294.4600661 38.2577522 17.047 RRAB 3129996 17.002 FFI
2052124653792193280 294.5614553 38.4515596 17.952 RRAB 3354775 17.637 FFI
2052162282013412992 295.0290071 38.9723355 15.410 RRAB 3864443 15.593 target
2052226633499326336 294.5504877 39.1471277 14.583 RRAB 4069023 14.650 FFI
2052259898026804480 293.0292280 38.4096197 17.767 RRAB 3348493 17.827 FFI

Notes. The Kp brightness here refers to the values found in KIC, data type is either target (LC data available) or FFI (no LC data, just FFI photometry). The following information was extracted from the Gaia DR2 archive: RA and Dec coordinates (ra and dec fields of the gaiadr2.gaia_source table), the median G-band magnitudes (rounded values from those in the median_mag_g_fov field of the gaiadr2.vari_time_series_statistics table), and the DR2 class (content of the best_class_name field of the gaiadr2.vari_classifier_result table). The full table is available at the CDS.

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