Gaia Data Release 2
Free Access

Table A.9

Cross-match of stars that turned out not to be Cepheid variables.

Gaia DR2 source_id DR2 RA DR2 Dec G DR2 Class EPIC K2 C Comment
(deg) (deg) (mag)
2101228774371560832 288.8005648 39.7139988 11.473 T2CEP 4644922 Kepler SRV (V677 Lyr)

3799150778087557888 173.5765613 1.2033677 12.936 T2CEP 201544345 1 LPV?
2594314457585274240 337.8754104 –18.0702930 13.192 T2CEP 205903217 3 LPV (BC Aqr)
2609074232957002880 338.0786514 –9.5948047 16.970 ACEP 206210264 3 RRab
2612858782044502272 334.2271302 –11.8676581 13.553 T2CEP 206109248 3
3609358780321640576 198.9566943 –13.7125905 15.246 T2CEP 212454161 6 EB
4087799999464896512 288.8008055 –17.0581624 13.837 T2CEP 219308521 7
6762146937758096640 284.0731029 –27.5238093 10.667 CEP 214047277 7 SRV? (V4061 Sgr)
3578288819399570816 189.6473674 –10.9422293 11.478 T2CEP 228708336 10 LPV?
3699052820043280640 181.8713363 0.6166174 13.984 T2CEP 201506181 10
4108800671623776128 256.5415354 –27.1369675 10.173 CEP 232135078 11 LPV?
4116400736547210496 264.3714041 –23.8031748 14.632 T2CEP 224691021 11
3392988846324877952 75.3718178 15.0239664 13.588 T2CEP 246736776 13 EB
3419364167475320448 74.4462919 23.5072079 16.317 T2CEP 247671949 13 ROT?
3419422583326134144 75.0288648 24.1428188 14.012 T2CEP 247761523 13 EB

Notes. The last column provides alternative identifications and/or likely variability class, if possible.

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