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Table A.1.

Extreme starbursts: QSOs and Type 2 AGN.

RA Dec mi S 24 (μJy) S 250 (mJy) S 350 (mJy) S 500 (mJy) Z phot Type χ 2 n b Z subm Z comb M * log(M ) SFR log(M yr−1)
QSOs, Fig. 6

164.64154 58.09799 20.95 1386.3 44.9 45.4 28.0 3.37 QSO 2.1 11 2.01 3.07 3.71
(164.64879 58.09513 1.11 2.74)
162.77605 58.52327 22.32 184.6 54.5 53.0 41.1 3.47 QSO 3.2 8 3.19 3.37 3.71
161.85410 57.91928 21.11 245.8 76.1 80.3 65.3 3.49 QSO 1.3 10 3.42 3.47 3.86
162.20728 58.28162 21.59 205.5 56.6 57.7 40.3 3.61 QSO 8.5 10 3.14 3.37 3.83
161.36092 58.03157 20.67 428.6 37.5 41.2 3.81 QSO 5.2 11 5.05 3.90 3.83
162.68120 57.55606 g = 24.35 194.9 25.5 37.0 38.3 4.50 QSO 1.3 3 4.79 4.50 3.79

Type 2 AGN, Fig. 7

33.71100 −4.17344 22.53 1016.3 96.2 69.0 32.5 1.47 Scd 9.3 6 1.92 1.57 11.80 3.81
162.91730 58.80596 22.03 1964.8 183.8 133.1 78.7 2.06 Sab 45.6 6 2.11 2.09 12.22 3.81
161.75087 59.01883 23.66 1329.6 75.0 61.0 40.6 2.5620 Scd 1.7 7 2.53 11.78 3.70
35.95578 −5.08144 23.85 1002.1 71.2 77.6 59.5 3.15 Sab 7.3 5 3.32 3.27 11.91 3.80
10.23271 −44.07592 R = 21.50 487.0 75.3 68.1 45.7 3.29 sb 13.3 5 2.67 3.07 11.75 3.77
160.33716 59.40493 22.36 1225.7 36.8 39.0 3.29 Scd 6.7 6 4.93 3.27 12.08 3.71
36.15258 −5.10250 24.92 627.2 43.5 53.7 41.5 3.37 Sab 2.0 5 3.60 3.47 11.69 3.71
159.78395 58.55888 g = 24.41 231.6 35.3 39.9 36.7 3.72 Sdm 0.0 3 3.91 3.68 11.32 3.79
36.96840 −5.02193 24.92 610.3 40.4 47.8 39.3 3.79 Sab 7.5 6 3.66 3.79 11.79 3.94
160.85139 58.02007 23.22 443.7 43.1 61.2 37.4 3.92 Sbc 2.6 5 2.24 3.37 12.21 3.94
35.92307 −4.73225 25.55 849.5 48.5 59.5 45.3 3.94 Sab 2.9 5 3.56 3.57 12.12 3.83
164.28366 58.43524 22.30 596.0 43.5 51.0 37.4 4.15 Scd 60.0 5 2.46 3.79 12.06 4.14
(164.28227 58.43064 0.20 0.40)
161.63013 59.17688 23.94 391.4 29.6 27.0 5.19 Scd 4.8 4 3.05 4.75 12.11 4.22

Notes. Spectroscopic redshifts shown with four decimal places.

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