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Table 6.

RIFSCz objects with extreme SFRs (>5000 M yr−1).

IRAS name RA(J2000) Dec(J2000) Redshift opt type log10 SFR (M yr−1)
F00167–1925 4.824683 −19.138355 (0.82) Scd 4.01
F01175–2025 19.983685 −20.172934 0.8137 QSO 3.92
F02314–0832 38.473282 −8.319294 1.1537 QSO 4.40
F04099–7514 62.201244 −75.105988 0.6940 E 3.90
F07523+6348 119.230530 63.678543 (0.77) QSO 3.79
F08010+1356 120.967873 13.795245 (1.34) Sab 4.26
F10328+4152 158.926239 41.615841 (0.90) Sab 3.73
F12431+0848 191.435791 8.524883 0.9380 Sbc 4.15
F13073+6057 197.320648 60.702477 (1.01) QSO 4.22
F13408+4047 205.720627 40.533772 0.9058 QSO 3.78
F13489+0524 207.858673 5.158453 0.6202 E 3.78
F14165+0642 214.784088 6.476324 1.4381 QSO 3.70
F15104+3431 228.108719 34.336456 0.8554 QSO 3.95
F15307+3252 233.183395 32.71295 0.9227 sb 3.91
F15415+1633 235.966370 16.406157 0.8500 QSO 4.01
F16042+6202 241.252289 61.907372 (0.99) Sab 3.70
F16501+2109 253.077240 21.078678 (1.17) Sab 3.86
F17135+4153 258.781433 41.831528 (0.90) Sbc 3.88
F21266+1741 322.241943 17.914932 0.8340 Sab 3.74

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