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Table 5.

RIFSCz objects with apparent SFRs >104.5 M yr−1.

IRAS name RA(J2000) Dec(J2000) Redshift log10 SFR (M yr−1) Notes
Candidate lensed objects

F02416–2833 40.953415 −28.343891 1.514000 4.54
F03445–1359 56.718334 −13.844521 (1.14) 4.54
F08105+2554 123.380363 25.750853 1.512380 5.08 Lensed
F08177+4429 125.316353 44.333546 (2.65) 5.78
F08279+5255 127.923744 52.754921 3.912200 6.89 Lensed
F10018+3736 151.207672 37.362133 1.684160 5.30
F10026+4949 151.469330 49.579998 1.120000 4.54 Unlensed
F10119+1429 153.657822 14.251303 1.550000 5.01
F10214+4724 156.144012 47.152695 2.285600 5.05 Lensed
F10534+3355 164.055649 33.661686 (1.17) 4.50
F13445+4128 206.656906 41.225357 (1.33) 4.75
F13510+3712 208.286133 36.964321 1.311000 4.70
F14132+1144 213.942673 11.495399 2.550000 5.80 Lensed
F14218+3845 215.981201 38.530708 1.209510 4.98 Unlensed, see text
F23265+2802 352.262146 28.312298 (1.90) 5.50

Wrong ID, wrong redshift or blazars

F02263–0351 37.221718 −3.626988 2.055000 5.51? Blazar
F00392+0853 10.453402 9.173513 (4.62?) 7.19? Alias at z = 1.4
F06389+8355 102.896248 83.865295 (4.50?) 6.83? Alias at z = 1.4
F13080+3237 197.619431 32.345490 0.998010 4.52? Blazar
F15419+2751 236.008347 27.697693 (2.02) 5.55? Zwicky gal z = 0.032
F16360+2647 249.522308 26.694941 (4.55?) 7.23? z = 0.066 2MASS gal at 0.27′
F22231–0512 336.446899 −4.950383 1.404000 5.25? Blazar 3C446

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