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Table 2.

Contrast between the 60 μm selected RIFSCz catalogue and the 500 μm selected catalogue from the HerMES survey.

IRAS-FSS 60 μm HerMES-SWIRE 500 μm
Number of sources 60 303 2181
Effective area (sq deg) 27 143 26.3
Surface-density of lensed galaxies 0.001 per deg2 10 per deg2
Fraction of Ultraluminous galaxies 8% 70%
Fraction of Hyperluminous galaxies 0.7% 25%
Fraction of galaxies with standard cirrus 42% 34%
Fraction of galaxies with cool or cold cirrus 2.5% 29%
Redshift > 0.3 4% 88%

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