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Table A.3.

Rejected extreme starburst candidates.

RA Dec Z phot Type χ 2 n bands Z subm Z comb Reason for rejection
159.24428 57.85775 3.06 Scd 3.1 5 1.80 1.51 Zcomb = 1.51 gives acceptable fit
35.49809 −5.92264 3.13 Sab 1.9 6 2.49 1.69 Zcomb = 1.69 gives acceptable fit
161.21138 58.11261 3.33 Sbc 26.8 5 2.02 1.75 Zcomb = 1.75 gives acceptable fit
162.55945 57.19608 3.70 sb 3.6 5 2.01 1.19 Zcomb = 1.19 gives acceptable fit
159.67438 58.55686 3.72 Sed 0.0 3 2.68 2.02 Zcomb = 2.02 gives acceptable fit
162.52769 57.28142 3.92 QSO 8.4 8 1.93 1.95 Zcomb = 1.95 gives acceptable fit
35.11967 −5.73062 3.94 Sbc 14.8 6 2.90 1.69 Zcomb = 1.69 gives acceptable fit
34.26031 −4.95556 4.15 Sbc 3.9 4 2.03 2.16 Zcomb = 2.16 gives acceptable fit
164.02647 52.07153 4.18 sb 2.5 4 2.74 1.82 Zcomb = 1.82 gives acceptable fit
9.28433 −44.23750 4.18 Scd 0.03 3 2.40 2.39 Zcomb = 2.39 gives acceptable fit
9.08571 −42.59628 4.25 Sed 0.85 3 2.33 2.09 Zcomb = 2.09 gives acceptable fit
36.25277 −5.59534 4.27 Scd 1.2 5 2.65 1.95 Zcomb = 1.95 gives acceptable fit
9.11142 −42.84052 4.60 Sed 0.03 3 2.36 2.31 Zcomb = 2.31 gives acceptable fit
9.30474 −43.03506 4.86 Sed 0.09 3 2.87 2.80 Zcomb = 2.80 gives acceptable fit
161.58835 59.65826 5.05 Sed 4.7 5 3.03 2.98 Zcomb = 2.98 gives acceptable fit
34.53469 −5.00769 4.40 sb 4.0 5 3.18 3.17 Zcomb = 3.17 gives acceptable fit
8.70199 −44.48560 4.73 Sed 0.01 3 3.45 3.47 Zcomb = 3.47 gives acceptable fit
9.17274 −43.34398 3.06 Sab 15.7 6 1.84 2.47 Zspect = 1.748 (Bongiorno et al. 2014)
35.73605 −4.88950 4.37 Sed 11.4 6 3.69 2.55 Alias at Zphot = 1.9 gives acceptable fit
35.33492 −5.74307 3.81 Sbc 2.7 4 2.06 2.09 Alias at Zphot = 1.7 gives acceptable fit
164.55716 58.65286 3.92 sb 2.3 6 2.96 3.57 Alias at Zphot = 1.2 fits 24-500μm
9.19681 −44.42382 5.00 sb (QSO?) 0.04 3 3.89 4.13 Alias at Zphot = 1.7 gives acceptable fit
159.95905 57.18814 3.37 Scd 0.1 3 4.88 3.37 Alias at Zphot = 1.95 gives acceptable fit
163.98088 57.81277 3.74 Sed 4.4 5 5.03 3.68 Alias at Zphot = 2.3 gives acceptable fit
162.84616 58.00514 4.01 sb 13.0 5 3.56 4.01 Alias at Zphot = 2.1 gives acceptable fit
160.16505 57.27072 3.70 Sab 31.2 4 3.45 3.68 CIGALE alias at Zphot = 1.9 gives acceptable fit
162.26817 58.46461 3.15 Sbc 5.0 6 3.16 3.17 CIGALE alias at Zphot = 1.7 gives acceptable fit
36.84426 −5.31016 3.07 QSO 42.1 14 3.01 3.07 Alternative SWIRE association with Zphot = 1.49 fits better
9.62462 −43.74844 1.5670 QSO 2.9 9 2.40 SED fit implies SFR < 3.70
164.96553 58.30081 2.3350 QSO 13.6 11 2.33 SED fit implies SFR < 3.70
8.04056 −43.71930 1.51 Sab 26.4 7 2.96 2.09 SED fit implies SFR < 3.70
35.11776 −5.50099 1.55 Sed 9.0 7 2.74 2.02 SED fit implies SFR < 3.70

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