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Table A.2.

Extreme starbursts: young starbursts, M82 and A220 type starbursts.

RA Dec i S 24 (μJy) S 250 (mJy) S 350 (mJy) S 500 (mJy) Z phot Type χ 2 n bands Z subm Z comb M * log(M ) SFR log(M yr−1)
young sbs, Fig. 9
159.03456 58.44533 21.37 1127.8 131.6 84.2 42.2 1.44 Scd 4.8 4 1.16 1.19 11.62 3.89
35.28232 −4.14900 g = 25.31 636.1 53.7 58.3 55.1 3.27 Sab 2.4 4 3.84 2.80 11.28 3.70
(35.28037 −4.14839 2.55 3.59)
160.50839 58.67179 23.49 904.6 95.7 79.5 60.5 3.81 Sab 4.1 6 2.86 3.07 12.02 3.99
(160.51041 58.67371 1.08 3.05)
36.59817 −4.56164 25.11 389.5 59.3 67.2 54.7 3.88 Sab 2.1 5 3.53 3.68 11.49 3.85
161.98271 58.07477 22.10 264.4 44.2 45.3 33.6 4.13 sb 25.4 6 3.15 3.68 11.87 3.76

M 82, A220 sbs, Fig. 8

162.33324 58.10657 22.61 516.4 56.9 52.9 59.6 2.80 Scd 6.1 8 4.09 2.89 11.69 3.72
9.64405 −44.36636 23.02 987.2 91.7 79.4 48.1 2.85 Scd 1.8 4 2.43 2.72 11.89 3.70
160.91940 57.91475 22.32 682.3 116.5 102.0 65.4 3.06 Sab 20.5 6 2.56 2.80 12.50 4.12
8.81979 −42.69724 R = 22.90 706.2 87.4 74.6 53.9 3.19 Scd 6.1 5 2.72 2.98 12.06 3.79
162.38754 57.70547 g = 24.13 519.3 65.7 65.0 56.3 3.37 Scd 1.6 3 3.47 3.37 12.15 3.74
36.71948 −3.96377 25.18 322.8 43.4 42.8 32.1 3.57 Sbc 5.2 5 3.10 3.27 12.21 3.70
162.46065 58.11701 21.96 252.5 28.4 41.4 4.06 sb (QSO?) 7.9 6 4.81 4.13 11.97 3.98
35.73369 −5.62305 23.42 422.0 73.1 60.9 42.1 4.11 Sbc 4.1 6 2.61 2.80 12.38 4.10
2.80 Sbc 3.70
7.98209 −43.29812 R = 24.87 275.8 45.6 49.7 38.8 4.13 Sab 0.02 3 3.37 3.37 11.90 3.82
3.37 Sab 3.70
36.10986 −4.45889 24.59 828.6 88.4 89.5 67.0 3.92 Sab 2.0 5 3.14 3.27 12.26 4.21
164.52054 58.30782 23.40 306.9 81.9 92.1 58.2 4.18 Sab 0.03 3 2.16 3.07 12.40 3.99
(164.52888 58.30814 1.87 3.35)
161.89894 58.16401 23.60 315.0 66.4 59.7 35.3 4.37 Sab 22.7 4 1.82 2.89 12.32 3.97
2.89 Sab 3.70
36.65871 −4.14628 24.91 288.8 46.1 45.7 48.1 4.40 Sbc 2.1 6 3.92 4.01 12.20 4.03
162.42290 57.18750 22.25 121.0 43.5 46.1 32.6 4.45 sb (QSO?) 5.6 4 3.22 4.37 11.79 3.78

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