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Table B.2.

Properties of AEGIS-XD Sources with IG ≥ 1 bit.

ID Counts RA Dec XZ Photoz log10NH specz IG (bits)
2 292 214.5296 52.4231 1.68 (+0.62, −1.05) 1.76 (+0.15, −0.19) 22.96 (+0.28, −0.57) −99.0 1.59
9 280 214.6242 52.45268 1.75 (+0.51, −0.34) 0.79 (+0.16, −0.10) 23.59 (+1.24, −0.29) −99.0 1.54
15 386 214.538 52.46775 2.9 (+0.13, −0.91) 1.82 (+0.16, −0.14) 23.56 (+0.10, −0.33) −99.0 1.85
21 903 214.4244 52.47308 1.1 (+0.85, −0.79) 0.98 (+0.10, −0.09) 22.18 (+0.38, −0.48) 1.14825 1.6
24 196 214.4684 52.48146 1.47 (+0.10, −0.66) 1.26 (+0.17, −0.15) 23.63 (+0.20, −0.42) −99.0 2.35
32 201 214.4394 52.49756 1.3 (+5.56, −0.81) 0.9 (+0.10, −0.12) 23.59 (+0.77, −0.53) 0.872816 1.19
34 184 214.5468 52.50349 3.25 (+0.07, −0.10) 2.9 (+0.19, −0.22) 25.33 (+0.46, −0.41) 2.91 2.89
38 934 214.4415 52.50898 1.86 (+0.43, −1.35) 0.96 (+0.10, −0.10) 23.09 (+0.19, −0.70) 0.985102 1.77
39 159 214.4748 52.5095 2.38 (+0.83, −1.52) 0.94 (+0.16, −0.20) 23.54 (+0.41, −0.78) −99.0 1.14
56 94 214.5373 52.53091 2.32 (+0.20, −0.34) 2.2 (+0.69, −0.46) 24.75 (+0.71, −0.36) −99.0 2.04

Notes. Column 1: identification number of Nandra et al. (2015). Column 2: total detected source counts. Columns 3 and 4: J2000 right ascension and declination in degrees. Column 5: redshift (XZ). Column 6: redshift (photoz) from Nandra et al. (2015). Column 7: neutral hydrogen column in units of cm−2 from XZ fit. Column 8: Reported specz values from Nandra et al. (2015). Column 9: information gained in units of bits. All quoted errors are 1σ.

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