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Fig. 4.


Comparison of two redshift uncertainty measures, the information gain (IG; x-axis) and the standard deviation σ(z) (y-axis). Generally, a larger σ(z) implies a smaller IG. However, the IG also captures multiple solutions (examples are shown in subsequent figures) which can inflate the simple σ(z) measure (symbolized by the gray arrow). The color-coding indicates the obscuration (median of uncertainties); darker colors represent higher column densities. Heavily obscured sources typically have only a single solution and are at lower σ. The vertical lines delimit three regions, A (IG ≥ 2 bits, “constrained redshift”), B (1 ≤ IG < 2 bits, “has redshift information”), and C (IG < 1 bit, “no redshift information”). The top and right panels show normalized histograms.

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