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Fig. 2.


H I absorption spectra of 3C 236. The dashed vertical line marks the systemic velocity from Labiano et al. (2013). Top panel: WSRT (black) spectrum from Morganti et al. (2005b) and VLA (red) spectrum between 28 500 and 30 900 km s−1. Here, the velocity resolution of the VLA spectrum was matched to the WSRT data. Middle panel: spatially integrated VLBI with (dark blue, dashed) and without (blue, solid) clipping of the cube pixels at the 3σVLBI,Cube between 29 000 and 30 400 km s−1. For the VLA spectrum (red), the spectral resolution was matched to the VLBI spectrum. Bottom panel: same as the middle panel, but zoomed-in in flux density.

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