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Table A.3

List of confirmed clusters from PSZ1 with updated spectroscopic redshift.

ID Planck name R. A. Decl. zspec Nspec
52 PSZ1 G020.82+38.03 16:15.05.44 +07:34:55.38 0.338 4
97 PSZ1 G035.55+34.15 16:50:35.73 +16:49:31.27 0.348 3
142 PSZ1 G046.98+66.62 14:37:40.29 +30:12:00.27 0.339 3
143 PSZ1 G047.44+37.39 16:50:20.40 +26:58:21.42 0.232 1
257 PSZ1 G078.39+46.13 16:09:01.48 +50:05:11.85 0.400 1
260 PSZ1 G079.65+45.60 16:10:54.67 +51:13:35.91 0.392 2
299 PSZ1 G087.32+50.92 15:26:13.83 +54:09:16.6 0.473 4
307 PSZ1 G090.63+33.50 17:27:46.53 +61:30:27.82 0.312 1
312a PSZ1 G091.81–26.97 22:45:27.74 +28:09:00.78 0.344 15
321 PSZ1 G093.15+43.20 16:05:15.53 +61:04:42.54 0.384 3
357b PSZ1 G099.84+58.45 14:14:47.18 +54:47:03.57 0.620 2
392 PSZ1 G107.67–39.80 00:01:17.36 +21:31:22.04 0.411 18
404 PSZ1 G110.08–70.23 00:33:53.14 –07:52:10.35 0.302 3
410 PSZ1 G112.38–32.88 00:10:51.39 +29:09:40.15 0.332 19
418 PSZ1 G114.34–60.16 00:34:28.16 +02:25:22.61 0.382 3
427 PSZ1 G116.48–44.47 00:32:08.22 +18:06:25.28 0.374 11
441 PSZ1 G120.14–44.43 00:42:36.61 +18:25:33.25 0.281 3
448 PSZ1 G122.98–35.52 00:51:38.60 +27:19:59.89 0.358 6
461 PSZ1 G126.00–49.62 00:59:36.76 +13:10:20.84 0.501 8
487 PSZ1 G135.24+65.43 12:19:12.20 +50:54:35.04 0.552 7
505 PSZ1 G140.46+54.27 11:30:08.72 +59:46:32.15 0.169 6
576 PSZ1 G165.94+50.48 10:01:38.77 +50:00:53.59 0.172 2
579 PSZ1 G166.61+42.12 09:09:38.69 +51:36:15.13 0.215 3
660 PSZ1 G198.50+46.01 09:30:51.19 +28:47:00.26 0.296 7
696c PSZ1 G212.51+63.18 10:52:52.73 +24:14:00.14 0.529 5
699 PSZ1 G212.80+46.65 09:44:42.87 +19:27:59.64 0.367 1
701 PSZ1 G213.27+78.35 11:59:31.29 +26:14:38.73 0.306 3
705d PSZ1 G213.95+68.28 11:14:41.68 +24:34:50.65 0.101 10
705d PSZ1 G213.95+68.28 11:14:32.15 +24:35:24.06 0.601 5
719 PSZ1 G217.35+58.14 10:34:39.66 +20:32:04.52 0.476 2
743 PSZ1 G223.80+58.50 10:41:09.64 +17:30:35.08 0.337 2
760 PSZ1 G226.65+28.43 08:56:20.59 +01:46:49.38 0.724 1
795 PSZ1 G236.86+66.33 11:21:55.15 +15:48:05.16 0.675 1
1093 PSZ1 G311.76+83.91 12:55:18.02 +21:02:31.22 0.429 2
1159 PSZ1 G332.30+72.17 13:26:43.58 +11:17:04.22 0.089 14

Notes. The first two columns provide the index number and official name of the cluster in the PSZ1 catalogue. The J2000 coordinates correspond to the BCG or geometrical centre of the identified counterpart. Columns 5 and 6 show the new cluster redshifts and the number of galaxy members with spectroscopic measurements.


Centre of the main group. This system consists of two groups at z 0.344 and 0.339.


Centre of the main rich cluster. The second nearby cluster has zspec of 0.579.


Updated coordinates (centre of concentration).


Double detection.

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