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Table A.2

List of 17 optical clusters potentially associated with the corresponding PSZ2 target.

ID Planck name R. A. Decl. Cen. zphot zspec zspecBCG Nspec rmag Comments
126 PSZ2 G036.36+16.01 17:59:42.69 +10:07:43.70 1 0.13 0.128a 0.1278a 3a 16.21
327 PSZ2 G076.55+60.29 14:52:00.51 +44:31:21.31 2 0.29 0.287 –1 4 0 WHL J145206.4+443235
389 PSZ2 G086.85–81.39 00:30:15.21 –20:06:24.93 1 0.25 0 0 0 17.28 WHL J003015.2–200625
421 PSZ2 G092.69+59.92 14:26:08.53 +51:14:14.15 2 0.50 0.461 –1 3 0
465 PSZ2 G098.62+51.76 14:50:05.70 +59:19:51.91 1 0.31 0.298 0.2985 1 18.16 WHL J145005.7+591952
546 PSZ2 G112.69+33.37 16:19:49.38 +79:06:23.53 1 0.51 0 0 0 19.12 WHL J161949.3+790624
667 PSZ2 G136.02–47.15 01:28:23.61 +14:41:13.60 1 0.50 0.465 0.4649 1 19.00 WHL J012823.6+144114
673 PSZ2 G137.24+53.93 11:40:59.55 +61:07:07.04 1 0.48 0.473 0.4769 2 18.98 WHL J114059.5+610707
690 PSZ2 G141.98+69.31 12:12:40.63 +46:21:23.07 1 0.70 0.714 0.7132 2 21.10 WHL J121240.6+462123
714 PSZ2 G146.16–48.92 01:52:40.99 +11:14:30.90 2 0.49 0.491 –1 9 0
739 PSZ2 G152.40+75.00 12:13:19.22 +39:46:26.91 1 0.42 0.453 0.4513 6 19.16 WHL J121319.2+394627
744 PSZ2 G153.56+36.82 08:44:21.57 +62:17:48.40 2 0.12 0.122 –1 10
812 PSZ2 G171.48+16.17 06:37:43.56 +43:48:59.12 1 0.28 0 0 0 17.15 WHL J063743.6+434859
916 PSZ2 G202.61–26.26 04:59:50.17 –03:16:47.52 1 0.23 0 0 0 17.12 WHL J045950.2–031647
917 PSZ2 G202.66+66.98 11:07:30.89 +28:51:01.10 1 0.48 0.483 0.4814 3 19.07 WHL J110730.9+285101
920 PSZ2 G203.32+08.91 07:05:56.53 +12:30:33.66 1 0.27 0 –1 0 0 WHL J070556.5+123034
1510 PSZ2 G320.94+83.69 13:00:05.73 +21:01:28.26 1 0.45 0.462 0.4612 4 19.12 WHL J130005.7+210128

Notes. These targets do not fit the selection requirements of distance/richness to the Planck SZ detection. We refer to these sources as possible counterparts until further investigations are performed. Columns follow the same scheme as Table A.1.


Spectroscopic redshift obtained from optical follow-up observations with the WHT telescope. No spectroscopic SDSS data available.

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