Gaia Data Release 2
Free Access

Table 1

Top-level RVS-specific requirements.

Average number of transits over mission 40 for objects V < 15
Wavelength range 847–874 nm
Spectral resolving power (HR mode) average 10 500–12 500; 90% ≥10 000; max 13 500
Spatial resolution 1.8 arcsec to include 90% of flux
Maximum stellar density 36 000 objects degree−2
Maximum apparent brightness all spectral types V < 6
Minimum apparent brightness B1V V > 13
G2V V > 17
K1IIIMP V > 19
Radial velocity systematic error after calibration ≤300 m s−1 at end of mission
Radial velocity precision of 1 km s−1 B1V V ≤7
G2V V ≤13
K1III MP V ≤13.5
Radial velocity precision of 15 km s−1 B1V V ≤12
G2V V ≤16.5
K1III MP V ≤17

Notes.Additional requirements include the capability for operation in HR and LR mode (see text), at least Nyquist spectral sampling for HR mode, control over flux rejection levels outside the RVS bandpass, and straylight requirements applicable to the payload as a whole. Spectral types follow the standard terminology, so that temperature decreases from B to K stars, V in the spectral identifier denotes dwarfs, and IIIMP denotes metal poor giants. From Colangelo (2010).

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