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Table A.1

Basic astrophysical parameters of investigated stars.

Karmn Name GJ RA Dec Spectral Teff log g [Fe/H] vsini M Ca II IRT Instrument Source
(J2016) (J2016) type [K] [dex] [dex] [km s−1] [M] emission vsinia
J00051+457 GJ 2 2 00:05:12.18 +45:47:09.1 M1.0V 3665 4.85 −0.16 <3.0 0.565 0 CARM+ J18
J00056+458 HD 38B 4B 00:05:42.31 +45:48:34.9 M0.0V 4055 4.64 +0.11 <3.0 0.672 0 CAFE J18
J00162+198E LP 404−062 1006B 00:16:16.94 +19:51:38.6 M4.0V 3336 5.02 +0.08 <3.0 0.302 0 CARM+ J18
J00183+440 GX And 15A 00:18:27.07 +44:01:29.1 M1.0V 3606 4.93 −0.27 2.5 0.449 0 CARM+ B10
J00184+440 GQ And 15B 00:18:30.00 +44:01:44.5 M3.5V 3283 5.11 −0.19 1.9 0.159 0 CARM+ H10
J00286−066 GJ 1012 1012 00:28:39.11 −06:40:01.5 M4.0V 3387 4.99 +0.05 <3.0 0.385 0 CARM+ J18
J00315−058 GJ 1013 1013 00:31:35.78 −05:52:29.2 M3.5V 3392 5.01 −0.02 <3.0 0.323 0 FEROS J18
J00389+306 Wolf 1056 26 00:39:00.81 +30:36:59.0 M2.5V 3537 4.89 −0.04 2.5 0.472 0 CARM+ B10
J00395+149S LP 465−061 0 00:39:33.87 +14:54:19.5 M4.0V 3334 5.06 −0.09 <3.0 0.332 0 HRS J18
J00570+450 G 172−030 0 00:57:03.61 +45:05:08.7 M3.0V 3425 4.99 −0.05 <3.0 0.394 0 CARM+ J18
J01013+613 GJ 47 47 01:01:20.88 +61:21:42.5 M2.0V 3537 4.92 −0.13 4.0 0.442 0 CARM+ R12
J01025+716 BD+70 68 48 01:02:38.35 +71:40:41.2 M3.0V 3478 4.92 +0.00 2.5 0.512 0 CARM+ B10
J01026+623 BD+61 195 49 01:02:40.73 +62:20:43.7 M1.5V 3796 4.69 +0.13 <3.0 0.597 1 CARM+ J18
J01125−169 YZ Cet 54.1 01:12:31.95 −16:59:46.2 M4.5V 3152 5.17 −0.20 2.5 0.132 0 CARM+ B10
J01339−176 LP 768−113 0 01:33:58.05 −17:38:26.5 M4.0V 3335 5.07 −0.11 <3.0 0.254 0 CARM+ J18
J01384+006 G 071−024 3103 01:38:30.55 +00:39:08.6 M2.0V 3644 4.80 +0.01 <3.0 0.532 0 FEROS J18
J01433+043 GJ 70 70 01:43:19.68 +04:19:04.4 M2.0V 3534 4.91 −0.08 2.5 0.451 0 CARM+ B10
J01518+644 G 244−037 3117A 01:51:51.63 +64:26:03.3 M2.5V 3553 4.89 −0.06 4.0 0.467 0 CARM+ R12
J02002+130 TZ Ari 83.1 02:00:14.04 +13:02:41.5 M3.5V 3185 5.15 −0.18 <3.0 0.144 0 CARM+ J18
J02015+637 G 244−047 3126 02:01:34.68 +63:46:10.3 M3.0V 3495 4.93 −0.05 2.5 0.521 0 CARM+ B10
J02026+105 RX J0202.4+1034 0 02:02:28.18 +10:34:52.7 M4.5V 3254 5.12 −0.17 6.0 0.191 1 FEROS J18
J02050−176 BD−18 359 AB 84AB 02:05:06.47 −17:36:55.9 M2.5V 3534 4.88 +0.00 <3.0 0.519 0 FEROS J18
J02070+496 G 173−037 0 02:07:04.24 +49:38:36.9 M3.5V 3414 5.02 −0.12 <3.0 0.431 0 CARM+ J18
J02096−143 LP 709−040 3139 02:09:36.69 −14:21:38.0 M2.5V 3555 4.87 +0.00 <3.0 0.533 0 FEROS J18
J02116+185 G 035−032 0 02:11:41.17 +18:33:42.1 M3.0V 3428 4.97 +0.00 <3.0 0.385 0 FEROS J18
J02123+035 BD+02 348 87 02:12:18.93 +03:34:00.0 M1.5V 3659 4.81 −0.05 <3.0 0.497 0 CARM+ J18
J02222+478 BD+47 612 96 02:22:14.99 +47:52:48.8 M0.5V 3921 4.68 +0.06 4.0 0.622 0 CARM+ J18
J02336+249 GJ 102 102 02:33:37.23 +24:55:28.1 M4.0V 3293 5.09 −0.11 3.1 0.208 1 CARM+ J18
J02358+202 BD+19 381 104 02:35:53.58 +20:13:09.5 M2.0V 3595 4.88 −0.10 <3.0 0.555 0 CARM+ J18
J02362+068 BX Cet 105B 02:36:17.40 +06:52:43.4 M4.0V 3326 5.03 +0.04 <3.0 0.261 0 CARM+ J18

Notes. This table is available in its entirety in a machine-readable form at the CDS. An excerpt is shown here for guidance regarding its form and content. (a) J18: Jeffers et al. (2018), B10: Browning et al. (2010), H10: Houdebine (2010), R12: Reiners et al. (2012).

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