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Table 4

Summary of literature approaches for the stellar parameter determination.

Authora Resolution Δ λ [nm] Teff logg [Fe/H]
RA12 ~2700 1000–2400 H2O-K2 index ... Na I and Ca I EW,
H2O-K2 index
GM14 800–1000 320–970 BT-Settl fit, ... atomic line
2000 800–2400 spec. curvature strength relation
Ma15 115 000 378–693 pseudo-EW masses and radii pseudo-EW
from empirical relation
This work 48 000–94 600 700–880 PHOENIX-ACES fit Baraffe et al. (1998) PHOENIX-ACES fit
with downhill simplex relation with downhill simplex

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