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Table 1

Parameters in the comparison of metallicity distributions [Fe/H] for different subsamples of LAMOST-DR3 giants with R1 < R < R1 + ΔR, |z| < 5 kpc, and R2 < R < R2 + ΔR, |z| ≥ 5 kpc, respectively, such that ⟨r1⟩≈⟨r2⟩.

R1 Δ R R2 N1 N2 PKS
16 2 11.5 2160 1850 18.8 0.23 1.9E−298
18 2 13.5 699 1352 17.3 0.25 1.0E−99
20 4 15.0 359 1813 15.5 0.25 1.6E−27
24 4 18.5 88 992 14.2 0.26 0.014
28 8 21.5 54 936 12.6 0.24 > 0.32
36 16 26.0 17 649 11.0 0.28 > 0.32

Notes. Thefirst three columns indicate the Galactocentric radial range, Cols. 4 and 5 give the number of stars, Col. 6 gives the average signal-to-noise ratio of the first subsample, Col. 7 gives the average error of the [Fe/H] measurement in the first subsample, and Col. 8 gives the probability derived from a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test that the two metallicity distributions are identical within the random fluctuations. The distances are listed in kpc.

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