Table 1

Counts of determined redshifts for different source extractions in the MUSE Ultra Deep (udf-10), Deep field (mosaic), and the unique objects of udf-10 + the mosaic.

udf-10 (1′ × 1′) mosaic (3′ × 3′) Combineda
Confidence level (CONFID) 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1

HST continuum selectedb 87 223 282 515 636 714 570 1206 1414
With UVUDF counterpartsb 547 1133 1295
Emission line selected 46 154 160 450 1057 1163 467 1112 1214
Emission line onlyc 2 30 31 15 114 144 15 132 160

Total unique objects 89 253 313 562 1247 1439 585 1338 1574



Number of unique objects in udf-10 and the mosaic.


For the mosaic, the HST continuum selected galaxies to inspect are limited to F775W ≤ 27 mag (Sect. 4.2.1). The rest of the galaxies are selected by direct detection of emission lines in the data cube. Among the emission line selected galaxies, some galaxies have counterparts in the UVUDF catalog with F775W> 27 mag. They are listed in the row labeled “With UVUDF counterparts” in the table.


The objects selected by emission lines that have no counterpart in the UVUDF catalog (Rafelski et al. 2015).

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