Fig. 23
Similar to the left panel of Fig. 22 but selecting z ~ 3.5 (F435W dropouts), z ~ 5.0 (F606W dropouts), and z ~ 6.0 (F775W dropouts), shown in the left, middle, and right panels, respectively. For the F435W and F606W dropouts, we do not plot the objects at z> 5.0 and z> 6.0, respectively. The galaxies indicated with the red squares are not in the full targeted redshift range, but are restricted to narrower ranges (see also Fig. 24). The solid and dashed black lines are the boundaries of the selection criteria from Stark et al. (2009, 2010). The dashed black lines are shown because they are at the outside of the plotting regions in Stark et al. (2009, 2010). The solid red lines are our empirically redefined new selection boundaries to gain more galaxies in the targeted redshift ranges. The model tracks for the F850LP magnitude in the F775W dropout diagram is computed for an absolute magnitude of −22 mag. The 5σ limit of the F850LP magnitude is 28.9 mag (Rafelski et al. 2015).
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