Fig. 22


Left: color-color diagram of F336WF435W vs. F435WF606W to select z ~ 2.7 galaxies (F336W dropouts). Only the MUSE spectroscopic redshifts with CONFID ≥ 2 are plotted. The galaxies in the targeted redshift range (2.3 ≤ z ≤ 3.0) are shown with red open squares. The violet, blue, green, gold, orange, magenta, and red filled circles, with sizes from small to large, indicate galaxies in 0 ≤ z< 4 with steps of Δz = 1, respectively. The model tracks of the starburst template (SB1; Kinney et al. 1996) and the CWW templates (Scd and E, Coleman et al. 1980) are overlaid. The crosses on the model tracks indicate redshifts from z = 0 in increments of Δz = 1. Right: counts of galaxies in each redshift bin (only the galaxies detected in all of the F336W, F435W, and F606W bands are used here). The empty bars are all of the galaxies with MUSE redshifts and the filled bars are a subset of the MUSE redshifts lying within the F336W dropout selection boundary (the left panel). The percentages shown above each bar are the fractions of the galaxies within the color-color boundary for each bin. The vertical dashed blue lines indicate the targeted redshift range, 2.3 ≤ z ≤ 3.0. The percentage indicated in between these lines in blue is the fraction of the galaxies within the color-color boundary for the targeted redshift range.

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