Fig. 15


Stamp image of 5″ × 5″ centered at RA = 53.169458 and Dec = −27.778191. The HST F775W image (white-light, left panel), the MUSE λ-collapsed image (middle), and the continuum subtracted narrowband image created at λ = 5676Å with a width of 10Å (right). While it is not possible to resolve the two nearby HST objects (UVUDF IDs of 8147 and 8118) with the MUSE white-light image, the combination of the HST image with the narrowband image of the detected emission line (Lyα in this case) makes it possible to identify the origin of the emission (UVUDF ID 8147 corresponds to MUSE ID 6290 with z = 3.67).

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