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Table 4

Parameters of model fits for both blazars in the R and B bands.

Band aHG n I0 mgal
(pix) (ADU/pix2) (mag)

1ES 1959+650, observed
B 14.3564 1.9523 486.31 16.295
R 12.5675 1.7838 1941.50 14.033
HB89 2201+044, observed
B 14.3568 2.1363 1234.52 15.391
R 18.7721 2.1779 7471.17 12.875

1ES 1959+650, recovered
B 14.5169 1.9734 476.85 16.332
R 12.5264 1.8156 1872.09 14.140
HB89 2201+044, recovered
B 14.5017 2.1615 1221.48 15.429
R 20.0153 2.2351 8373.34 12.723

Notes. Top: parameters derived from the observations. Bottom: recovered intrinsic parameters of the host galaxies once seeing has been accounted for.

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